Common sense conservative

A common sense conservative is an advocate of conservative politics who adopts the rhetoric of "common sense" to frame his or her arguments. The term is almost always used to apply to domestic and fiscal policy. See the term neoconservative for a related movement that mostly focuses on foreign policy initiatives.

"Common sense" conservatives can be either quite right wing, or more moderate. They are usually spawned in opposition to the policies of liberal politicians and parties. Left-wing policy-makers, they argue, are mired in fantasy, striving for an unachievable utopian society. "Common sense" conservatives believe that rather than governing based on what "should work," politicians should govern based on established precedents and norms, or as they might say "what has worked." This, they say, is the "common sense" approach.

"Common sense" conservative movements are mostly confined to the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Singapore, but have spread to Latin America and other regions with evangelical Christian movements which emphasize moral rules, financial responsibility, and retributive justice. In each country the political agenda is different, but it has economic themes in common:

Critics have accused "common sense" conservatives of deliberately stirring conflict among opposing groups to clear the way for their reforms, which they say are often simple reactionary moves to eliminate prior regimes of regulation.

Often, these objectives and strategies cross national boundaries. Margaret Thatcher can be said to have brought the above trends into the mainstream, but its origins actually lie in the Singapore Model of economics, in which the ruling party wanted to "avoid the dependency culture of Socialist countries."[1] the subsequent application of these beliefs by Ronald Reagan in the U.S. was much more ideologically rigid in character. A second generation of regional politicians such as Ontario Premier Mike Harris, often using the slogan "Common Sense Revolution" (used in New Jersey, Ontario and Australia), continued the trend in the 1990s, though without most of the social conservatism.

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin says she considers herself a common sense conservative in her autobiography, Going Rogue.


External links

Toro, Felix R. "The Return of Common Sense",Llumina Press, march/2007, Website- [1]